This morning, I finished marking up my printed first draft, plowing through the second half of the final chapter as well as all of the end matter. It helped that I implemented my plan to avoid looking at news, any information websites, or games on my phone before getting to my writing.
My next step is to start copying those edits into Scrivener. Unfortunately, that means that I am tied to my computer for this process, so I can’t take parts to work to work on over lunch, but there are a few other steps that I can work on at lunch.
In addition to the editing process, I also need to start work on the release/launch. That means updating my website with information about the book and letting my mailing list know that it’s coming. Both of those are location-independent activities, so I can get moving right away.
There is also the pesky matter of the email sequence and exercise worksheets that I need to create, but the worksheets, at least, have to wait until after the final edits.
Getting to a milestone like this is always exciting, and I look forward to riding that wave into copying in my changes, the second round of edits (Pro Writing Aid + Read Aloud), and the release.