Today’s writing progress was decent. I finished a short interlude scene in the castle kitchen then moved on into the next, important one that introduces more of my hero’s family history as well as covering her looks by way of a comparison to a portrait of her mother.
I’m still being very hesitant in my writing and deleting paragraphs when they go the wrong way or I’m not satisfied with how they sound. I still write like I want them to be perfect the first time with no need for revision, even though I know that story changes will require major revision later. I can’t quite bring myself to just blurt the words onto the page.
But on the other hand, I’m having less difficulty with the story. Since I only have a general idea in my head of what I want each scene to accomplish and haven’t planned it overly much, I’m not having to stop and figure out how to force the scene into a conclusion or point that has no natural transition. Instead, as long as it is meeting its general purpose, I let the details of how it accomplishes the goals be a little flexible. That much is working well.