AuthorDad is the chronicle of my journey to becoming a full-time professional writer, from the trenches.

I am the sole bread-winner for my family, with a job that provides well, but demands a lot of time and energy. I am married with three small children. My goal is to become a full-time author and replace my income without losing my family or my current job, until I’m ready to walk away from the latter.

I accept that this is not going to be an easy path, or a quick one. I write in stolen pockets of time: mornings before everyone gets up, lunch breaks, airplanes. But I am going to keep plugging away at it, day by day. This site is the log of my progress and struggles along the way. (If you’re familiar with the book, The Miracle Morning, then this is my daily “Scribing” as part of that practice.)

Self-Publishing Success Story (In Progress)

This will be my success story, eventually. For now, it you’re looking for advice from someone who’s already “made it”, I am not yet your guy. Go check out Mark Dawson, Joanna Penn, or the Science Fiction and Fantasy Marketing Podcast.

If you want to hear from someone else in the trenches, just like you, someone who is trying to start their writing career from scratch, then you’re in the right place.

This is not going to be pretty – neither the journey nor the blog itself. I don’t have time to spend on niceties like fancy pictures. Sometimes, I might not even have time to bother proofreading. That’s time that I should be writing fiction.

Take part in the journey!

If you want a real voice from the trenches, a daily report on the long road to authordom, then sign up below. You'll get notifications for every new post here.

I look forward to hearing from you, as well, and to forming our own little group of authors, the Next Big Things in waiting.