B1P 63: Clearing the Coaching Slate (Excuses) – Author Dad

B1P 63: Clearing the Coaching Slate (Excuses)

I’m a people pleaser. And so, when someone expects something of me, I like to follow through. This weekend, I had two patrons for my non-fiction blog asking for time-sensitive help on their scholarship applications, so I decided to prioritize those tasks over my writing. The plus side is that I now have a clear slate on the coaching side of my business and, barring a new request over the next few hours, should be able to return to writing tomorrow . . . unless I get time later today.

I think there’s some fear and self-confidence issues related as well. I haven’t done much to prove myself as a fiction author, and I’ve never finished a novel that I can be proud of. So, part of me still doubts that I can do it and make this work. That’s the Resistance that Steven Pressfield talks about in the War of Art, I think.

The only way to beat that Resistance is to punch it in the face with a finished book. And that means getting back to work. As soon as I can.

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