B1P Day 147: Blogging Excuses – Author Dad

B1P Day 147: Blogging Excuses

So, despite having a good day yesterday working on my novel, I decided to focus today on my blog in order to try to knock out one of those articles that I know I need to post soon, but haven’t gotten to. It’s time sensitive and has been weighing on my mind when I think about things I need to do.

With a little more self-confidence in my fiction writing, I probably could have avoided this trap, but right now, I know I have an audience for my blog and I’m grateful for it – and for the coaching income it brings in during season that paid for the new computer last month. So, it’s still going to get some love.

That said, I didn’t even get to finish the article since my five-year-old son woke up at 6:45. Aaargh. Sleep in, please!

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