B1P Day 232: First Semi-Action Scene – Author Dad

B1P Day 232: First Semi-Action Scene

In today’s scene, my hero and guide character are navigating the literal fallout of the inciting incident as they pick their way through the devastation of the explosion.

Actually, while I thought this was going to be an action scene, so far it is mostly a description of the destruction as they move through it. I do have some action coming up as they will have to cross a particularly bad part, and I’m thinking of adding in some interaction between them and other victims – so far they haven’t passed another living or dead person, and that seems unrealistic. I’m not sure how my hero is even going to react to a hurt person.

The words came faster today and I am trying to worry less about being perfect with my story and description. The one thing I do need to do is to stay true to my characters’ personalities and let them push the story.

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