I had a decent day of over 700 words this morning, wrapping up my second scene – the first from my second character’s perspective. I meant the scene to be about a highway robbery, but it made more sense to me to end it before the actual robbery and revelation of the victims. Instead, I focused on my character’s reservations and apprehensions as he planned it and the execution went sideways.
I’m still trying to figure out this character. I want him to be cocky and funny throughout the story, but one of his characteristics is that he’s a loner. He is cocky on his own or when he can keep distance from others, but in this first scene, he is trying to organize a group and it isn’t going well. I wanted to show how that is a weakness for him and how he has issues trusting anyone.
If I overthink this, then it could be a problem that his first introduction is a scene where he is out of his element, since that doesn’t give the reader the right perspective on him . . . but I’m not supposed to be overthinking it. If I need to, I can try to add a one-on-one scene later. For now, I want to move on with the story with both him and my hero. Both of them have issues interacting with other people – they’re both like me in that sense – and breaking down to rely on others (specifically on each other) is going to be a significant part of their journey in this story. But I also want to show them in their element from time to time. . .
In the next scene, I’m switching back to my hero, and the introduction should have some space for her to show off her personality.