B1P Day 56: Story Points in Order – Author Dad

B1P Day 56: Story Points in Order

Today, I finally got back to working on my novel, if only for a day. I deliberately gave myself a day between coaching projects, but I do have another one lined up to start tomorrow.

Today, I finished sifting together the individual plot points from my various characters’ storylines. I think in past posts, I referred to these points as “scenes”, but that is not quite accurate. Now I have to start the process of combining them into scenes. Several overlap and others will require multiple scenes to develop.

Fortunately, I just finished reading the chapter on creating scenes in Larry Brook’s Story Engineering and gleaned some valuable points about their construction. Some – like that each scene should be its own complete short story – were things that I should have remembered from before, but had lost track of, but others were relatively new. For example, that each scene should deliver one point of story exposition. In any case, the lessons were timely and will help me as I start to create the scenes for each plot point.

It felt great to get back to my story. I need to remember that feeling as I jump into the next coaching project so that I can use it as motivation to get through quickly!

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