B1P Day 62: Shifting My Writing Day – Author Dad

B1P Day 62: Shifting My Writing Day

After a barbecue yesterday that involved over 6 hours of being outside and a somewhat considerable amount of alcohol consumption, I was exhausted this morning, so I decided to hit the coaching instead of writing. Rather than take my day for myself between projects, I figure I can insert it in the middle, instead, on a day where I am have the energy and focus.

If I didn’t have the luxury of being able to switch between coaching and writing, today would have been a day to take time to take care of some of my business administrivia.

Thinking about my story in the meantime though, I remember that when I wrote my first novelette, I wrote a detailed outline for my climax scene right after my opening scene and held that up as a target point for my story. That novelette was fairly well received by the few people who bothered to read it, and I think having that target in mind helped, so I want to try the same thing again this time. Just as soon as I finish the outline of my first two scenes, I’m going to skip ahead to that climax.

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