distraction Archive
I haven’t mentioned it much on here, but I’ve recently been caught up in the game Pokemon GO – way too caught up. I’ve been opening it whenever I have a free moment, and often when I don’t, both at …
My current coaching client had previously bought both of my books and says he read the articles on my website, but if that is the case, it seems that he decided not to apply the advice there. This application needs …
A while back I was interviewed for a podcast based on my work on my non-fiction blog and that post came out yesterday. As a result, I have been messing around with proofing the podcast video yesterday and tinkering with …
I finally finished the dev edit review of the nuclear fusion coaching project I was working on! Not knowing anything about nuclear fusion made it rather more difficult, and it was not an easy project to begin with, resulting in …
Today, once again, I made zero progress on my book. Worse, I made zero progress on the particularly difficult coaching project that is standing in my way of getting back to work. I had to be in to work an …
Last night, I had a subscriber to my email list (not this blog) write in to say that they had suddenly stopped receiving my emails three weeks ago – or right when my provider had scheduled maintenance. That spawned a …
I forgot to set my alarm last night. That usually doesn’t matter, since I almost always wake up before it, but I must have been particularly tired last night, because I ended up sleeping in until 5:30. Losing 30 minutes …
I thought I was going to finish my current coaching client’s project and get back to the writing after a day or two, but in the meantime, a second request came in, so it’ll be a few days more. In …
Over the past two days, I’ve had a sudden bump in interest in my coaching services that will keep me occupied for a few days of what would otherwise be writing time, but I’m surprisingly OK with that, and not …
Unfortunately, I didn’t get any writing done today, either. This coaching project has gone on longer than expected and has now killed two days of writing. I’m nearly done with it, though, and hope to be back to writing tomorrow! …