milestone Archive
I had a decent day of over 700 words this morning, wrapping up my second scene – the first from my second character’s perspective. I meant the scene to be about a highway robbery, but it made more sense to …
Last night, I was talking to my wife about why my writing has gotten so slow. I think there are two factors. One is that I am mentally overwhelmed most days. Work has been hell lately, particularly relationships with my …
Oops. I forgot to update over the weekend. But I have been making good progress. I finished the first part of my coaching task and sent it back to the client for revisions. Now, I have a few days to …
On the last day of Golden Week, I finally had an afternoon to myself, and I hit my book hard, putting in 4 Pomodoros (on top of two to finish up my last open coaching) to finish my read-aloud review …
After the coaching yesterday, I probably should have gone back to the fiction today, but I want to get this non-fiction out as quickly as possible, and the finish line for that project is much more clear, so I skipped …
This morning, I finished marking up my printed first draft, plowing through the second half of the final chapter as well as all of the end matter. It helped that I implemented my plan to avoid looking at news, any …
Today, I finished the first draft of my non-fiction scholarship book! It clocked in at just over 45,000 words, only about 5,000 more than what I was aiming for, which isn’t bad. I was about to type, “Now it’s time …
Today, I finished the last content section of my non-fiction book! All that is left is to write up the conclusion to the final chapter as well as the end matter. Much of that end matter is already written, since …
This morning, I completed a short (<1000 words) scene in one sitting. It was just a short interaction between my hero and a throwaway character to highlight one of the problems she’s facing and reveal some of her character, but …
This morning, I managed over 5,000 words, including writing a few specific examples of emails to send and a worksheet, and finished the third chapter in my non-fiction book. There are only four chapters, each with multiple subsections, to they’re …