motivation Archive
Over the course of a day, I went from being focused on finishing the read-aloud draft of my book to having a pair of coaching clients I need to respond to first. I am grateful for the business and look …
Today, I continued my scene with my hero and best friend getting to know one another. They finally exchanged names, which will make my writing job easier from here on out! I also steered them from their conversation into the …
One day ahead of schedule! I gave myself two working sessions to type in the edits from my notes for this chapter, but got it done in one. It’s always a little kick of adrenaline to get something done before …
On my last B1P day, I left a messy knot to untangle. I had started to write a scene, but then changed the order of my hero moving and observing her surroundings – which moved the observation to another observation …
Today, I started applying the handwritten edits into Scrivener and got through the first 20 pages, about 1/8 of the book. I have finished the front matter and started in on Chapter 1. This process is anything but exciting, but …
This coaching project isn’t quite as time-consuming yet as some of the others that I have worked on and it is moving forward well. I hope to wrap it up in another day or two so that I can get …
This morning, I had my second coaching/review request for the year, which is about consistent with two years ago, the last time this scholarship operated on the normal schedule. If the application process operates as normal again this year, I …
Today’s writing was a complete failure. I couldn’t figure out what to write, couldn’t stay focused on writing at all, and then the kids woke up wicked early (for a Sunday), when I’d been counting on having more time, and …
So, the bad news is that I’m in self-quarantine after my recent work trip and can’t see my family for a week. The worse news is that I can still telework for that week. I looked at this week for …
Today is the first of two that I am working primarily from my hotel room, but for some reason, I struggle to get productive in this environment. Particularly last night, after my travel and work, I had wanted to get …