Resistance Archive
Today’s writing was a complete failure. I couldn’t figure out what to write, couldn’t stay focused on writing at all, and then the kids woke up wicked early (for a Sunday), when I’d been counting on having more time, and …
For some reason, the words would not flow today. It was a frustrating change from the last few days. Yesterday, by first day back at home, the non-fiction words went well. And last time I worked on the Book 1 …
I don’t often do live coaching anymore, but when I’m on the road (or in quarantine), I make an exception. This morning, I had a call with a family that wanted advice about the scholarship application process that I specialize …
So, the bad news is that I’m in self-quarantine after my recent work trip and can’t see my family for a week. The worse news is that I can still telework for that week. I looked at this week for …
Today, I gave shape to my capital city with a map of the city and castle. It’s pretty rudimentary, but good enough for my purposes. I had been facing some resistance over this map drawing phase, since I’ve never done …
I was continuing to work on my series premise and overarching considerations today and finally landed on an explanation that gives my hero positive action as well as stakes that go beyond herself. Better, I even managed to condense it …
I’ve said this before and it will probably come up again, but the non-fiction is so much easier to write. It should. I’ve been immersed in this field for nine years both professionally and as a blogger, and I have …
Today, I got a slow start to my writing as I found myself worried too much about a scene. Did it have the proper meaning? Was it advancing the characters emotionally enough? Did the plot make sense? And all this …
There was a time when I held myself responsible for getting my words in, no matter what. Then, I would find time to write over lunch break on my tablet, if I had to. I would do whatever it takes. …
So, despite having a good day yesterday working on my novel, I decided to focus today on my blog in order to try to knock out one of those articles that I know I need to post soon, but haven’t …