Story Engineering Archive
I’ve read non-fiction books (specifically writing advice books) that spent more than half of the pages trying to hammer home why the reader needed to adopt a specific mindset (planning vs pantsing) and left very little space to actually cover …
Today’s writing (more copying in text from the broken computer days) completed the scene where the reader learns about the threat to the Hero from the Guide’s perspective. But the Guide can’t get to the Hero yet, and doesn’t realize …
Today is the first of two days that I have to go into the office early, cannibalizing my writing time. After all that work has been doing to keep me late over the past weeks (and the next few to …
I know where my story needs to go next, in general, but I hadn’t thought the scenes out this far in advance, so I’m at the point where I need to create them one-by-one with only the memory of my …
I’m rereading the chapters of Story Engineering about how to write scenes, and the gap between how I have written my scenes so far and how this book makes it clear that I should be writing them is disheartening. In …
Dissatisfied with my progress over the past couple of days, and especially how the words were not flowing, today I was determined to get into a rhythm. That means not stopping myself or second-guessing my wording. It also means picturing …
I finished my last coaching project well ahead of schedule and got in some time to write this morning! In the past, I mapped out all of my scenes in detail for the entire book, using the template from Lisa …
Today, I finally got back to working on my novel, if only for a day. I deliberately gave myself a day between coaching projects, but I do have another one lined up to start tomorrow. Today, I finished sifting together …
Well, I thought that I was going to be shuffling my scenes into order today, but I had another coaching request come in, so I’m facing yet another delay in the writing process. I know that once this busy season …