writing Archive
After several days away, I had to carefully read my way back into the scene. Today, I managed to do so without changing much. Not because I didn’t find anything that I wanted to change, but because I found too …
At the end of my last writing session, I left my hero almost at the end of the scene following the Inciting Incident. She was about to discover the extent of the destruction to everything she has known in her …
Today, I finished the first draft of my non-fiction scholarship book! It clocked in at just over 45,000 words, only about 5,000 more than what I was aiming for, which isn’t bad. I was about to type, “Now it’s time …
Today, I finished the last content section of my non-fiction book! All that is left is to write up the conclusion to the final chapter as well as the end matter. Much of that end matter is already written, since …
This morning, I completed a short (<1000 words) scene in one sitting. It was just a short interaction between my hero and a throwaway character to highlight one of the problems she’s facing and reveal some of her character, but …
I literally just wrote this article, finished the whole thing, and as I was selecting my keywords, WordPress crashed and lost the whole thing. It’s not like losing a book, or even a chapter, but it’s still annoying enough that …
Today, I finally started the writing process in Heritage – the rewrite of this long-running fiction process. It took a while of staring at the blank page to get going with the actual words, but I got 300 words down …
I have my scene list almost complete after a longer than usual session this morning. Once again, I pushed myself past when I wanted to quit for the first time. Coming up with scene idea after scene idea and trying …
Yesterday, I finally succeeded in not only returning to my writing for a second time in a day, but having a longer, better session the second time around. Of course, it helped that in the meantime, I didn’t have to …
Today, I wrapped up the scene where my hero gets into a mysterious carriage that her best friend promises will take her safety and then jumped to the start of the scene where they arrive at that “safety.” In the …