Voice Finder: The misery of heat – Author Dad

Voice Finder: The misery of heat

Gods I hate summer.

It’s just miserably hot and humid. Go outside. Get drenched in sweat. Come inside, and unless you have the air conditioner blasting and fans directly on you, it’s still too damn hot to even sit down without your ass getting sweaty just from contact with the seat.

Maybe that’s a reason to try my standing desk again.

And now, I’m standing.

My family has been away for more than three days now, and even though two of those have been work days, I still feel like I should have gotten more done on the writing. But with this heat, I just don’t feel like doing anything. Worse, I can’t sleep. I’ve tried A/C on, A/C off. Fan on. Blankets. No blankets. No matter what, I end up tossing and turning half the night.

What I really want to do is turn the A/C down to 22 and pull out my winter blanket. The best feeling is being snug and warm in a cold environment. But I’d feel guilty about the power usage with the cost of utilities. And so, I suffer instead.

But it’s affecting my writing. This morning, I was so tired from the lack of sleep that I could barely focus my eyes for the first hour. It also probably doesn’t help that with the family away, I have had almost no break from screens. I can play all of the games I want, watch all of the TV I want, with nobody to distract me or compete for the devices. And yes, I am aware of just how unfulfilling all of that is, but it’s a constant temptation and I can’t break away.

With the heat, I don’t want to do anything active. So I sit and watch. That leaves me and my eyes tired and I don’t sleep well. So then I’m too tired the next day to force myself out of the cycle, and so on.

Right now, the only way I’m getting anything done is to lie down with my eyes closed and dictate. But that’s still a skill I’m building and it’s frustratingly slow.

Still. It’s better than nothing and requires very little movement.

Can we have autumn, now, please?

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